Farnborough Aerospace Centre: Ascent 3

Awarded: April 2018

Client: Dongard Mechanical services/Mace Construction

Contract value: £290,000.00

In April 2018 SDS were awarded the contract to supply and install the ventilation installation and all secondary HVAC ductwork at buildings Ascent 3, Farnborough Aerospace Centre. The project took 12 months to complete and consisted of primary ductwork from large roof mounted AHUs, across several floors of VRF fan coils (over 100 in total), plus installation of grilles and plenums.

The project was especially challenging due to the amount of CDP involved in complying with the specification in that no roof mounted ductwork should be visible above the acoustic screen.

The project was completed in March 2019.

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    If we can assist any further please contact us on 01252 313658